Sunday, June 30, 2013


And you will know the truth,

and the very truth will make you free. (Jn 8:32)

Dear brother/sister in our Lord Eeso M'siha,
On this "Dukrana" day, I bring you greetings in remembrance of our father in faith: Mar Thoma. In thanksgiving to him and taking the spirit of the current "Year of faith", an effort is being made to begin a "Faith Sharing Series", to share the catechesis amongst Syro Malabar faithful. Periodic hand-outs will be published in this blog. Further sharing and discussion will, of course, be beneficial to all. The objective of this initiative is to make and share a journey thru the rich ecclesiology and theology of the Syro Malabar Church. It is hoped that all of us will become richer by this journey.

Each hand out is being submitted in advance to the Diocesan Curia, at St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Diocese, Chicago for their perusal, prior to circulation.

Faith Sharing Series (FSS) #1 is herewith given below. You are free and welcome to re-circulate it amongst your contacts.

You are also invited to write responses, ask questions and further share on this subject. Please do not try to post anonymous and dis-respectful responses.

If you want to be taken out of this mailings, please  write to:
Mar Walah!
Thomas Kocherry
(201) 797 2549

FAITH SHARING SERIES                        #1


The Church has always considered catechesis as her primary task.  Various efforts have been made in the Christian communities spread throughout the world to promote adult catechesis, especially in keeping with “the new evangelization", so often called for by the Mar Papa of blessed memories, Bl. John Paul II. The call to catechize is not a modern invention of the Church, but proclaiming the Good News was a mandate from Jesus Christ himself. It is the basic, fundamental duty of every baptized Christian to listen to the Good News of Christ Jesus, who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life"(Jn 14, 6). Jesus is our only Master and we are all his brothers.  (Mt 23, 8). The parable of the mustard seed   (Mk 4, 30-32) demonstrates the extraordinarily positive impact that catechesis should have on adults and others.   

To catechize the faithful is a sacred duty of the Church and its pastors. It is certainly a duty springing from the command given by the Lord and resting above all on those who receive the call to the ministry of being pastors.  Similarly, to be adequately catechized is an inalienable right and duty of each baptized person. Precisely by reason of being baptized in a particular Church, one has the right to receive, from that particular Church, instruction and education enabling him or her to enter into and lead a truly Christian life, as a member of that Church. The more the Church gives catechesis priority over other works and undertakings, the more she finds a strengthening of her internal life as a community of believers and of her external activity as a missionary Church. The results of such prioritization would be spectacular in any particular community. The universal Church has time and again handed out directives and pastoral exhortations to meet this very essential task.  Church has always looked on catechesis as a sacred duty of the pastors and an inalienable right of the faithful and has not ceased to devote her energy to this task. 

It is a sad truth that efforts at “adult catechesis” have been on a back burner in most of our communities.  It is of course, commendable that our churches and groups are involved in many activities to help improve the quality of life of its members and of the community. The involvement of our youth and adults in social and cultural spheres are well appreciated. The organizational and leadership skills of our people are evidently visible in our parishes and missions. At the same time, we ought to examine ourselves if all these efforts without a proper ecclesial, catechetical, base wouldn’t be like a castle built on sand. Much storm and water, in the form of social and worldly pressures will lash at this building. Will it withstand such beatings or will this house succumb to the winds of the world.  (Mt 7: 26,27)  

 It is a scholarly accepted axiom that “what we celebrate is what we believe”. In other words “our celebration of worship demonstrates our faith”. The Syro Malabar Church is particularly blessed to have inherited a Divine Worship of the Holy Qurbana, which is the sum total of all that a catechized Christian ought to believe in. By analyzing and studying each part and prayer of the Holy Qurbana, we get a full picture of the origin, history, development, theology and spirituality of the Syro Malabar Church in its full richness and traditions. The Holy Qurbana gives us an active connection to the living Christ and the whole mystery of salvation. There is no other authentic ministry in the Church which takes us closer to the reality of the living Word of God. A systematic and structured study of the Holy Qurbana, is by far, the most effective, complete and authentic resource for adult catechesis.  

 In keeping with the wish of the Church and in obedience to the Magisterium, a humble effort is being initiated in the field of “Adult Catechesis” for (Syro Malabar) Catholics. The motivation for this effort in based fully and absolutely on the honest wish to share our faith, as has been handed down to us. As such, this effort would better be addressed as a “Faith Sharing” series. 

The material that will be presented are, gathered and consolidated, from various published documents; official teachings, writings of acknowledged scholars etc. The compiler does not claim any copyright, and the material may be further circulated (unaltered and unedited). 

Hand outs will be circulated on a regular basis. Responses, discussions, suggestions, explanations and feed backs are most welcome. Also it is encouraged to further circulate these faith sharing hand-outs amongst your brethren in faith.


Mar Walah! (Jn 20:28)


To continue:  FSS #2  Introduction